‘Flow’. Working with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s way to happiness. 

I’m still at the Espace du Possible.

This week I have decided to run a workshop on the concept of ‘Flow’ as explored and developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. For those of you who haven’t come accross him here is a pretty simple review of his approach


My objective is to give participants the mental posture necessary to apply Mihaly’s message to their own lives.  I am going to keep the theory light and make it a highly practical 5 day workshop at a rhythm of two hours a day.   

 Here’s my plan:

Each day will have a different theme leading to flow for the participants. A different challenge. And a different skill to acquire.

Monday: Physical : ‘Bodyguard’- Walking with the  stars: How to accompany someone and keep them safe from the ambient environment. Action with intention. This is a condensed version  of a workshop I first ran to develop gererosity and personal confidence for counsellors in Italy. 

Tuesday: Highly physical: Flowing through difficulty, what it feels like to be blind and wriggle out of trouble. This experience will have the steepest learning curve and the highest feeling of satifaction.  
 On both Monday and Tuesday the attitudes and techniques used are inspired and adapted from self defense but with a view to enhanced enjoyment.  

Wednesday Creating and doing: Design thinking – The Stanford wallet exercise. Fast prototyping. Empathic engagement leading to self confidence in creativity and high levels of personal satisfaction.

Thursday: Psychodynamic: Mobilising your Grit, ‘la Gnaque’, Sisu, Grinta, call it what you will,  using the techniques and theories developed by the late Jerome Liss M.D. formalised in the bio-systemic approach. 

Friday: Social interaction: Simple steps to language learning flow drawn from my extensive language teaching experience. This will the day when the message really gets pushed. How to create productive habit. How to celebrate success. Lots of win friends and influence people stuff.  


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